Tomorrow the Poster is Here

The day is almost upon us! Our poster which has been designed to crush negative thoughts on technique will be going live tomorrow at 8am EDT, along with the opportunity to be put through the 90 day program no matter where you are!
Columbus Weightlifting Coaching Poster Launch
If you don’t believe in the work of developing technique this offer is NOT for you.

However, if you are a coach and gym that can relate to these next statements:

– You force athletes to take weight off when technique breaks
– You offer special classes just for technique work
– You have a gym full of lifters moving well

This is something special that will fit right in to what you do! Give your coaches a visual cue to show the end results of a strong technical foundation!

You’ll see an email at 8am tomorrow EDT. 72 hours is all you’ll have to get in on the $450 value training deal! Don’t miss out!

PS. Not only did Zach do a 303lbs Grace with good technique. Not only did Zach snatch 152kg (335lbs) and Clean and Jerk 195kg (429lbs). BUT… He did this all after breaking both of his wrists! Even if you’re not interested in the 303lb Grace or poster this is an opportunity to learn one of the best stories of tenacity in the sport of weightlifting.

Zach Krych Come Back

Thirty 303lbs Cleans Broken Down!

Coaches and gyms pushing athletes to take their time to learn correct technique need visual cues. You need to be able to get into the minds of the athlete. A coach must help them change their mindsets around how they’re moving and approaching the bar.

In response to this we would like to introduce the first poster in our learning series! We will be launching this poster in 3 days.

We wanted to really make this launch special so for the first 72 hours those who purchase will be entered to win!:

– 90 Days of Remote Training by Columbus Weightlifting

– a copy of the “90 Day Challenge” when it is first available

– Both together = A $450 Value!

This is the program that is leading Aaron Jannetti through his 90 day challenge. It will guide you through the keys of adding significant weight to your lifts over the course of 3 months.
Zach Krych 303 lbs Grace Poster - Clean and Jerk - Columbus Weightlifting
I mentioned Zach Krych’s epic 303lbs grace in this post where he wanted to try his hand after Rob Orlando completed it.

Zach Krych 303lbs Grace poster – A bit more info

This celebrates how Zach approaches the bar to undertake a workout at a weight which is very difficult (303lbs), and how Zach is patient to hit his positions in the lifts before trying to get under the bar! The real secret is that Zach isn’t thinking about these positions, but that he has taken the time to learn and execute this lift so much that he can now fire through it. With time and training any athlete can improve their lifting, but you must take the time to learn!

We’re excited to share this with you, and hope you’ll proudly display this poster in your gym to kill negative thoughts, and encourage your athletes to put in the work to lift their best!

When Technique Breaks Down

Have you ever said, “It’s normal for technique to breakdown”?

It is a normal process for athletes to become exhausted, and in return their technique will start to fail. However, an athlete who truly understands Olympic weightlifting technique to the point of not having to think much about it will ALWAYS out last someone who hasn’t received or taken the time for the same training. I’m making this point thinking about heavy weight. I want to remind everyone about the two different videos… 303 lbs Grace – Zach Krych and Rob Orlando.

I encourage you to watch both.

(Click Here for Video of Zach Krych)

(Click Here for Video of Rob Orlando)

Because Zach was able to operate under much better technique he was able to cut his time SIGNIFICANTLY! Also, if you watch the full version there were no misses. I’m not picking on Rob Orlando by any means. Strong athlete and notable performance. I’m only highlighting the benefit of build a strong foundation of good weightlifting technique. I feel the point to make as coaches is to not let athlete scrum to lazy thinking.

Bad thought:
“I just can’t get this… Poor technique happens and its normal.”

Replace it with:
“This won’t happen over night, but if I put in the work I’ll move better, safer, and weights will feel better than ever!”

In this thought we’ve put together a learning resource to support gyms with this belief.

It is due to launch very soon!

Stay tuned… more updates to come!