Columbus Weightlifting has moved to 11 Athletics

Team, We’re very pleased to showcase our new facility at 11 Athletics. In my almost 15 years of coaching,we’ve never been associated with a place that can offer us so much and allow us to continue to build upon the momentum of producing world class lifters in a great environment.

We are now ready to move in and while it will take a bit to fully get everything set, we do have enough for us to say, we are open for business as of tomorrow morning.  Friday, March 27th.  See the hours, as they are very conductive to our training and Friday can be expanded if needed.

Membership prices for the facility are 40 dollars monthly and there are family rates. The difference in the rate will then be applied to CWL via Paypal.  This will be a one time adjustment on the Paypal, so please be patient as we process this.  If you pay 80 per month, 40 will be paid to 11athletics and 40 to CWL.

If you buy a membership today, it doesn’t expire till the 27th of next month and so on. The monthly membership starts on the day purchased whether it’s the 8th, 13the, 21st whatever.  Saying that, the first workout at 11athletics is always free.

There will be a room for our coats, bags, etc. that will eventually be positioned to allow for easy entrance and allow for equipment to be placed efficiently.

Stephanie, a world class massage therapist will have a special price for our athletes.  David offers members 15% off massage also.  Inquire at the front desk.

I’m sure there will be questions as we move forward, but I’m confident we’ll be ready for the challenges ahead.

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Yours in lifting,

Mark Cannella

Head Coach, CWL

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World Champion and Olympic Silver Medalist SET to compete at the Arnold!

This message is from USAW Board Member Mike Graber who has led the charge in bringing world class weightlifters to the Arnold Weightlifting Championships. He has done a great job and I hope you enjoy:

For over 10 years the Arnold Weightlifting Championships has been the host to many world class weightlifters and has become a yearly destination for Weightlifting and CrossFit fans in the USA and North America. In 2015 the main event will again be standing room only during Saturday’s main women’s and men’s sessions.

One reason will be the Arnold debut of The World’s Strongest Woman! Over the past five months my team has worked with the Russian Weightlifting Federation to have World Champion & Olympic Medalist Tatiana Kashirina attend the event and compete in front of our great fans.
World Champion Tatiana Kashering comes to the Arnold Weightlifting Championships

Women’s weightlifting is still the fastest growing segment of weightlifting in the USA today, and Tatiana shows that women can lift big weights with true agility and athleticism. I truly believe that world class weightlifting at the Arnold goes hand in hand with promoting the sport of Weightlifting in the USA. That in turn will help promote and support the athletes of USA Weightlifting.

To offset the travel costs from Europe, I will be working with Columbus Weightlifting and Endeavor CrossFit to have a weightlifting seminar on Friday morning, March 6th, 2015. In addition, we will have Tatiana’s personal coach and Russian National Team Coach Vladimir Krasnov in attendance.

For athletes and coaches, this is a rare opportunity to learn from and interact with one of the best athletes and coaches on the planet today. Please see the poster attached, or visit this link for tickets. Finally we are working on a meet and greet for Friday evening, March 6th, 2015 with Tatiana and some other special guests, so stay tuned!

– Mike Graber

A Review on 2014 World Championships

While Almaty is almost halfway across the World, 11 hours ahead of the Eastern Seaboard, flights were relatively smooth for both Holley and I, along with the entire USAW contingent and support team that made the trip. Athletes arrived in a few waves respective to their weight classes and time competing.

Attending The World Weightlifting Championships over the last decade or so has been a wonderful experience, and watching Holley Mangold train and compete in her first Worlds was actually fun. You could see her confidence grow as the days wound down towards her competition in the 75+B contest.

Holley trained well and it showed in her performance, going 5/6 and finishing 13th overall and scoring valuable team points for Team USA. These points, coupled with next year’s Worlds in Houston, Texas will determine our total slots for the 2016 Rio Olympics. Hopefully our path and goal towards Rio will be unimpeded and produce an Olympic slot for Holley and Columbus Weightlifting.

Anyone that knows Holley will recognize her rise to a challenge, such as competing at Worlds, and this meet was no different. Her performance is indicative of her normal big time meet increase in kilos and in the clean & jerk, her best lift, the 141kg last attempt turned out to be the B’s session best performance.

Speaking of performances, there were some great ones and the home team of Kazakhstan certainly didn’t disappoint. Both their men and women came to play and certainly Ilya’s smashing World Record performance in the 105 class was one of legends.

If I could sum up again all the lifts, both training and competition, it would come down to speed under the bar. Lifters from around the World are lightning fast and certainly looking at performances such as Apti Akudov, 85kg were more of an indication of the norm when watching lifters pull under the barbell.

As a personal coach, now in my 2nd World’s I really appreciate the help and guidance from Chris Wilkes and Zygmunt Smalcerz, who helped count and assist in our overall plan of scoring valuable points and securing a better placement in Holley’s B session.

Most of the training hall saw the same type of lifting going on that you would see in any taper type week from here in the USA to many countries abroad.

Yours in sport,

Mark Cannella

A 43kg/95lbs Increase in Only 60 Days… The Story

Have you heard of an experienced athlete gaining 23kg/50lbs in 60 days to their total?

What about an athlete who gained 43kg/95lbs in ONLY 60 days?

Well it is true. They did it with the 60 Day Challenge.

Aaron Jannetti of the 60 Day Challenge

Click the above image to see it full size… You NEED to read the caption on it…

What is the 60 Day Challenge?

A weightlifting program that came out of a bet… Last year Aaron Jannetti was receiving much heckling for wanting a higher total BUT not wanting to commit to the process.

Now Aaron isn’t just a guy off the street… Aaron is one of the owners of Endeavor Defense and Fitness and is very well versed in Weightlifting, CrossFit, Krav Maga and Jujitsu. So telling an athlete with years of experiences that more could be done is never an easy sell…

Enter: The Bet

Aaron came to Mark Cannella and said, “Fine… I’ll give you my life for 90 Days. I’ll do whatever you tell me and no more. The only exception is I have to teach but I promise not to participate anymore than I need too for teaching.” (Remember… Aaron teaches CrossFit and self-defense classes.)

After 60 days of that 90 days… Aaron had added 23kg/50lbs to his total…

You can scroll back through the whole process documented here: The Original 90 Day Challenge

The creation of The 60 Day Challenge Program

We took this opportunity to pull together a program for anyone who wanted to improve their consistency and ultimately increase their total.

The program was built on the same principles that got Aaron his gains. When we opened it to the public… Over 180 athletes signed up.

The program has 8 weeks, and will put the athlete through a number of “technique correction” drills. The real “challenge” is… Can you commit for 8 weeks? Can you get over the little voice in your head that is telling you silly things like… “OMG… If I don’t do a muscle up everyday I’ll forget how too”, “Bill totally PR’ed today… I should max right now and see if I have a PR in me…”, and my personal favorite “Rest is overrated”…

This program will take you on a journey. A journey that has given athletes crazy results… There is only one thing you MUST do… COMMIT!

The Results:

Mike Roberts who took first place increased his total by 34kg/75lbs a 34% increase over his starting total… In 60 Days… (Received $900)

Chris Baldwin who took second place increased his total by 43kg/95lbs a 22% change over his starting total… In 60 Days… (Received $450)

Aaron Capriglione who took third place increased his total by 20kg/45lbs a 16% change over his starting total… In 60 Days… (Received $180)

$1530 was delivered back to the athletes…

The 60 Day Challenge is Back

The program has changed but is still built on the same principles. What makes this program so unique is that in 8 weeks, not only do you have a program to follow, BUT it is built around technique correction!

You have an open line to support and communication with us during the whole thing. You’ll understand areas of you technique that need improvement and the drills available to fix those errors!

No other program does that. No other program has these DOCUMENTED results in 60 days…

Don’t miss out

Find out more here: The 60 Day Challenge II

2014 Nationals Observations – By Olympic Coach Mark Cannella


First off, a big thanks to the organizing committee in Salt Lake City and USAW for pulling off a great feat with the presentation and operation of the 2014 US Nationals. Kudos to all that made this all work and with 400+ lifters, that is no small feat in three days!

The layout and set-up was nothing but first class at the competition and while there were some issues with the two platform meet running side by side, this is normal and expected in a competition of this sheer size and scope.

The hotel was conveniently set-up right across the street for us and had an ample supply of food and drink within walking distance. Included was an excellent workout facility at the local Crossfit box, Brickwall.  Thanks, for allowing us access to train before and after the competition!


Now as someone said, onto the show.

2014 USAW Nationals in Utah

We had 4 lifters competing at this year’s Nationals and with Drew Dillon and I as coaches, thought we had an opportunity to make a good showing with our athletes and their abilities. See results here.

Chelsea Kyle, 58kg:

First up was Chelsea Kyle, a veteran lifter in the 58kg class. She warmed up well, smoked her opener, but unfortunately was in a holding pattern between her 2nd and 3rd snatches with a long wait on both and missed both these lifts.

Communicating on warm-ups and warm-ups in-between long waits is important and while we had a good game plan, I think the long wait on both didn’t help us achieve our goals.

In the clean & jerk, the same thing happened between the two last lifts, but Chelsea is a gamer and fought hard on the last lift and made a success with 85kg. While her placement could have been better, more attempts made and weighing closer to the weight class limit will serve her well in the future.

Arielle Lippman, 63kg:

Next up was Arielle Lippman. Arielle set two PR’s, one in the snatch and one for overall total in the 63kg weight class, but I suspect that with more seasoning, she can be a force in this weight class.

She came back on her last attempt and made a nice PR with 79kg in the snatch that she had previously missed and I think that serves us well in the future. Overall, Arielle finished in the top 10 and has not been with us long and I for one am convinced that she hasn’t touched the surface of her talent.

Cam Davidson, 94kg:

On the 2nd day, Cam Davidson, our 94kg lifter competed. Cam has been battling some injuries, but as he rounded into Nationals, had a solid day a month before in Pittsburgh at a competition.

Cam had one of those days with incredibly long wait times between his lifts and on top of it, missed his opener on the snatch, which put him back on his heels so to speak, trying to make up ground on the other competitors. Cam has the ability to hit a 300kg total and it wouldn’t surprise me to see this sometime in the near future based on his abilities.

Holley Mangold, 75+kg:

Our last lifter and on the last day of the competition produced our first National Champion and her first National Championship, when Holley E. Mangold made a 5/6 total and number one on both lifts and total to secure not only 1st place, but also tentatively, a placement at Worlds later this year in Kazakhstan.

Holley sandwiched 3 nice snatches, with the last one being the best at 104kg with a winner at 130kg in the clean & jerk for the winning total, although she was pushed by junior, Marissa Klingseis.

Holley is now on track to perform well for later this year and hopefully closer to American Records down the road. Congratulations to Holley from myself and the club on a nice well deserved victory.


As a side note, the 94kg class was one to watch with five guys snatching 150kg or more. It was interesting to see the winner of this class, Colin Burns, end up the champion despite not hitting the most weight on either of the two lifts when compared to the others. Sometimes strategy and hard work and a bit of luck can play into a win. Nice job Colin.

Youth Nationals Report by Olympic Coach Mark Cannella

Daytona Beach and specifically Spruce Creek High School proved to be the perfect locale and setting for USAW’s Youth Nationals.

With a record 500 plus lifters, you can already see the influence of Crossfit in the ranks and with Florida leading the way with lifting in their curriculum, it was easy to see how they fared well in their own state.


Our own lifters fared well too and with this being our first time at Youth’s, we would say Columbus Weightlifting held their own their first time out.


First up was Kade Bafford, our 11 year old, 44kg lifter.  Kade set PR’s and we were pleased with his first Youth effort. Congrats to his Dad also, Jon Bafford and family who supported Kade.


Up next was Anya Penner, a 44kg 15 year old Dayton lifter, who took 2nd with a gutsy PR in the clean & jerk at 51kg to overtake a lifter by body weight. Congrats Anya on a well deserved victory.


3rd up was Erik Strahan, our 15 year old 85kg lifter who hit 3 for 3 in the snatch with a solid PR of 78kg.  He made his opener in the clean & jerk for an overall PR of 160 total, but despite two strong cleans afterwards, wasn’t able to get a majority decision on the two jerks.


Finally, I was able to assist Jared Brydon, a Sean Waxman coached lifter out of LA, that proved to be the man of the hour putting together a 6/6 performance and holding the other lifters at bay with a strong 235kg total and the bronze medal at 94kg for the 16/17 group.


Overall, the technique and quality of lifting was very good.  Let’s see these lifters in 10 years.


We were also excited to participate in a Columbus Weightlifting, Technique for Functional Fitness Course with Drew Dillon at Crossfit 407, ably run by Luke Siefert. Great group and many PR’s set by the athletes.


Hopefully, we’ll have more youth lifters in subsequent years to battle on the medal stand and for team titles.


Yours in sport,
Mark Cannella

The Future of Lifting

Look all around you, everywhere you see now is lifting related stories, such as blogs, seminar advertisements, athletes wearing Weightlifting T-shirts, etc. that all promote the Olympic lifts.

When you really step back, it is almost a California Gold Rush, a rush to promote a great sport that just now is getting the respect it richly deserves.

As more and more athletes become interested in lifting, those holes in the dykes where we are deficient as a country are being filled.  Holes in marketing and branding are now being filled at such a rapid rate that lifting is in vogue almost 24/7.

Mark my words, we’ll have medal contenders in the next 5 to 10 years as the walls and barriers that have surrounded our sport are slowly reduced to rubble.

Yours in sport,

Mark Cannella

Mobility – Taking My Own Advice

Last week I challenged you all to step up and implement some of the knowledge from a weightlifting clinic you’ve taken in the past and test it

This week I received an email from THE SMR MAN – Jeff Alexander of Network Fitness reminding me I hold a Level 2 SMR Certification…


Upon reflection, this SMR certification was one of the best certifications I have done. However, after calling out everyone who has done a weightlifting certification and then not applied the knowledge… I realized, that I have only used a FRACTION of what I learned in my Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) certification.

Now don’t get me wrong… I have applied some great things from this SMR certification for weightlifting athletes. Partnering with my mobility mentor Aaron Jannetti (THE MOBILITY BEARD) we’ve identified the top mobility exercises for weightlifting athletes based on key positions… you can find some of this here:

BUT… honestly, I’ve utilized just a handful of key mobility exercise. A good start, but I know I’m just scratching the surface here. If we counted up the exercises in those videos we might get to 15… I believe there was close to 180 in my certification!

So here is what I’m going to do. I’m pulling out my mobility certification material, and I’m going to break it down in to manageable chunks. Each week I’m going to dig into a new chunk. I’m going to practice the movement, AND I’m going to coach the movement to athletes. I’ll document my progress once a week on here as a post.

You’ll have full access to my interpretation of the material focused on weightlifting athletes.

As I mentioned last week. We retain more information from being tested on a subject than just studying the material. Aaron Jannetti agreed to call me out on any mistakes/learning opportunities that come up… Each week will be like a “pop quiz” for me. And who knows… maybe I can get Jeff Alexander himself to give me some constructive feedback as we go through it! We’re all going to get to dig into this together. It’ll be fun!

I will not be putting the bare information from this certification on this blog. That is plagiarism and some BS… So if you think you’ll be able to follow along and get everything you would get from Jeff Alexander himself… you are wrong. I encourage you to check out his SMR methods. Top notch!

PS. My offer still stands… step your game up… take what you’ve learned from us at your USAW L1 or any of our courses… apply it to an athlete for the next couple months… And bring you and your athlete to Columbus Weightlifting to show us your results. Any takers?

A Vital Tool for Coaching

How fast is your eye? Did you see the difference between those last two lifts? Are you seeing the symptoms or the cause? The above questions are a challenge for the new coach. A mix of uncertainty and the demanding eyes of an athlete after a lift are enough to turn some coach’s away. However, available now more than ever are tools to help this specific issue, and to allow a new coach the opportunity to answer the above questions faster. The tool you need is Coach’s Eye!

Mike of Coach's Eye Films the 2014 Arnold
Coach’s Eye Team filming 2014 Arnold Main Stage

I want to take the opportunity to share some of the video the Coach’s Eye team captured of the lifters at this years Arnold Weightlifting Championship. If you’re looking at this on your phone, and you have the coach’s eye tool on that phone you can IMPORT any of these videos to you phone to review. THIS IS HUGE FOR REMOTE COACHING!!

Coachs Eye Team at the 2014 Arnold Weightlifting
Coach’s Eye Team at the 2014 Arnold

Also, Coach’s Eye and Columbus Weightlifting have partnered up. They have shot a video of Olympic Coach Mark Cannella describing the best way to shoot video of Olympic Lifts, and they’re making a documentary on the event which both will be out very soon.

Here is a short teaser from the documentary they’re putting together!

In addition, I will take the opportunity to write another article on how we’re currently utilizing the Coach’s Eye tool in our remote training program. Until then, here is an article the Coach’s Eye team has done on Columbus Weightlifting in the past.

Coach's Eye tool on an Iphone with Weightlifting
The Coach’s Eye Tool on Iphone Loaded with Weightlifting


2012 Olympic Coach – Returns to California thanks to Hylete!

2012 Olympic Coach Mark Cannella is often referred to as one of the best technicians when it comes to Olympic Weightlifting in the United States. His true skill – Getting an athlete to correct the very subtle issues that are holding them back from their true top weights.

[callout font_size=”13px” style=”coolblue”]An example – In 2011 Holley Mangold blew out her knee at the Olympic Training Center (OTC). At the time Holley has lifts of around 100kg in the snatch and 125-130kg in the clean and jerk. She was ranked around 5th for women in the US. Once her knee gave the OTC didn’t invite her back she started reviewing her options for the Olympics the next year. At this point her national ranking dropped from 5th to 10th and her name disappeared from discussions of the Olympics.

Her original coach recommended Mark Cannella to help her go from a good weightlifter to a great weightlifter and Holley decided to take the advice. In 2 short months after knee surgery and working with Cannella, Holley PR’d at the Arnold Weightlifting Championships! This proved to Holley that she found something very good. Holley continued and in one years time moved from being ranked 10th in women’s weightlifting to 2nd in the US and capturing the seat to go to the Olympics.[/callout]

Advanced Weightlifting Technique Certification San Diego

We would like to invite you to come and spend a day with one of the best technicians around. Athletes and coaches will leave this certification with the ability not only to address their own issues but to quickly assess and correct the issues of others!

Register for this certification here: The Advanced Weightlifting Technique Certification